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Pension Credit

Pension Credit

Pension Credit can top up your low income if you've reached State Pension age. Lots of people who qualify for it aren’t claiming it, so it’s worth checking if you can get it.
The government has announced that in winter 2024/25, Winter Fuel Payment will be means-tested. To qualify, you will need to be State Pension age, born before the qualifying date and getting Pension Credit, Universal Credit or certain other means-tested benefits.
There are two types of Pension Credit: Guarantee Credit and Savings Credit.
To qualify for Guarantee Pension Credit, you must be State Pension age. Use the online tool to check when you'll reach State Pension age.
Your weekly income will need to be less than the minimum amount the government says you need to live on. For 2024/25, this is £218.15 for a single person and £332.95 for a couple. This amount could be higher if you're disabled, a carer or have certain housing costs.
You can only get Savings Credit if:
Read our factsheet Pension Credit for full details.
Use our free benefits calculator to work out if you might be able to get it. You can also call our free Helpline on 0800 319 6789 to arrange to speak to an adviser.
Guarantee Credit tops up your weekly income to:
You might be able to get more than this if you're disabled or a carer, or you have certain housing costs.
Savings Credit can give you up to:
The exact amount you’ll get depends on your income and savings. Your income includes assumed income from savings and capital over £10,000.
Here's an example:
Mr Smith is 76 years old. He is not a carer and he has no health conditions or personal care needs. He is single, rents his home and has a State Pension of £140.21 a week and an occupational pension of £25 a week. He also has savings of £11,000. The first £10,000 are ignored, and an extra £1 of income is counted for every £500 above this. This means he has an assumed income from savings of £2 a week. So, his income is calculated as:
This gives him Guarantee Credit of £50.94 a week.
If you get Guarantee Pension Credit, you may qualify for other benefits, including:
If you’re over 75 years old, you can also apply for a free TV licence.
To apply for Pension Credit, call the claim line on 0800 99 1234. You can also claim online if you've already applied for your State Pension.
You can apply for Pension Credit up to four months before you reach State Pension age, and any time after. Claims for Pension Credit can be backdated by up to three months if you qualified for it for the whole of that period.
When you claim, you’ll need the following information:
If you have a partner, you'll need the same details for them too.
You can also download the form to print out. If you need support to fill in the form, one of our advisers can help you complete it over the phone. Call our Helpline on 0800 319 6789 to book an appointment.
You can also get help from a voluntary organisation, such as a local Citizens Advice.
When posting your completed form back, you do not need to add a stamp to your envelope.
You cannot usually make a new claim for Pension Credit if you live with a partner who is under State Pension age unless:
If you cannot claim Pension Credit, you may be able to claim Universal Credit instead, until you both reach State Pension age. Contact the Universal Credit helpline on 0800 328 5644 for more information.
Read our factsheet Pension Credit for more information or call our free Helpline on 0800 319 6789 to arrange to speak to an adviser.
To help someone else apply for Pension Credit, see our tips on how to help someone to claim.