Poverty in later life
Read our series of short, visual briefings on people’s experiences of poverty in later life, based on interviews with older people.
How to improve the lives of older renters in Scotland
Read our report, 'Homing in', to learn about the challenges faced by older renters in Scotland.
No place for older renters
Our report explores how the geography of older private and social renters has changed.
'A constant struggle'
Read our report about the impact of high household costs on older people facing financial hardship.
Who wants to listen to me?
Read our report on why England needs a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing.
The hidden two million
This report shows the hidden reality of facing financial hardship in later life and explores the groups of older people most likely to be impacted.
“Not enough to live on”: Pensioner poverty in Scotland
“Not enough to live on”: Pensioner poverty in later life gives voice to 38 people in older age – living across Scotland – to tell their story of what life is like when you’ve “not enough to live on”.
Credit Where It’s Due: A briefing on low uptake of Pension Credit
Read our policy briefing highlighting the low uptake of Pension Credit.
Research reports & briefings
This section includes our most recent reports, our responses to public consultations and an archive of our research from previous years.
Consultation responses
We regularly respond to public consultations on changes to the law and professional guidance affecting older people.