If you regularly help a friend or relative, you may qualify for practical or financial support. Find out more about benefits, carer’s assessments, what to do if you need a break and ways to make life better for yourself and the person you care for.

How do you talk to someone about things that could be upsetting – like giving up driving, moving out of a much-loved home or planning for the end of life? Our practical advice can help you prepare for these important conversations with someone you care about.

There may be times when you’re worried about someone else, but unsure how or whether to help. Perhaps you’re concerned about their wellbeing or think they may be lonely or struggling with their mental health. Read our advice for what to do in such situations.

How to help someone to boost their income and claim what they're entitled to.

Does your friend or family member find it difficult to do things online, or to use a smartphone? We've worked in partnership with Vodafone to produce Hi Digital, an online course to help older people develop their digital skills. Support them to give it a try today. 

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