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You can’t switch water supplier, but there may be other ways to make savings. If you’re on a low income, you may be able to get help to pay your bills.
Switching to a water meter could help to reduce your bills. With a water meter, you pay for the water you actually use. You're more likely to benefit if you live in a property with a high rateable value, or if you don’t use much water, perhaps because you live alone.
If you’re renting, you still have the right to apply for a meter, as long as your tenancy is for six months or longer. You may need to ask your landlord’s permission before applying for a meter.
If you live in England or Wales
If you’re thinking of having a meter installed, try the water meter calculator on the Consumer Council for Water (CCW) website to see if you might be able to save money. Or contact your supplier for more information.
Meters are installed free of charge and you usually have the option to switch back within a year if you change your mind.
If you apply for a water meter but the water company can’t install one, you can ask for an assessed charge bill. This takes into account the number of people in the house or the type of property and could save you money. You can only ask for assessed charges if you apply for a water meter first.
If you live in Scotland
Scottish Water will provide a standard meter for free but, if you're the home owner, you'll have to pay all the costs associated with installing it. Bear in mind that once it's installed, it can't be removed. If you’re renting, you should ask your landlord for permission.
Be aware that if you're getting a reduction on your water and sewerage bill through Council Tax Reduction, you won't be able to keep getting this if you have a water meter. Citizen's Advice Scotland and Scottish Water have more information on whether a water meter is right for you.
In England and Wales, WaterSure schemes can cap the amount you have to pay for your water bill if you’re on certain benefits and need to use a lot of water.
To qualify for a WaterSure scheme you must:
You will qualify automatically if you have certain medical conditions, such as incontinence or an abdominal stoma, as long as you meet the other criteria. Speak to your doctor about getting a certificate, which you may have to pay for.
Contact your water company to find out how to apply for the WaterSure scheme. You can find more information on the Citizens Advice website or contact our Helpline for advice.
You may also want to join the Priority Services Register if you need extra help with your water services. You can find more information on the Ofwat website. Contact our Helpline if you need advice or support with registering.
In England and Wales, if you’re on a low income, you may be able to get reduced bills. All water suppliers in England and Wales have a social tariff. Contact your supplier and ask about theirs. What you can get and who qualifies varies. You can find contact details for your water company and what they offer at CCW. You can also ask your supplier if they operate charitable trusts, payment matching or Restart schemes. Ofwat and CCW have more information about these schemes.
In Scotland, contact Scottish Water for information about the Water Charges Reduction Scheme.
If you're in financial difficulty, make sure you’re getting all the money you’re entitled to. Use our free benefits calculator or call our Helpline and arrange to speak to an adviser.
If you're struggling to pay your bills, your supplier can't cut off your water supply. They have to take court action to recover the debt. But it's a good idea to talk to them as soon as possible, because most of them can offer advice and support to help you pay. They may have a hardship fund that can help with your water bills.
If you're worried about debt, see our Help if you're in debt webpage for advice.
Saving water is good for the environment and, if you’re on a meter, these water-saving tips could help cut your bills. Even if you’re not on a water meter, using less hot water could bring down your energy bills.
In the bathroom:
In the kitchen:
There are many more tips on the Waterwise website.
A dripping tap or a leak can waste a lot of water – and money - so it’s a good idea to get them fixed as soon as possible. You can find an approved plumber on the Trustmark website.
You can find the name and contact details of your water supplier on the Water UK website.
Contact Citizens Advice if you need more advice about water bills or debt. In Scotland, contact Citizens Advice Scotland.