It can be very difficult to know what to say or do to help someone who's been bereaved. Here are a few suggestions of things that might help and things to avoid.
Be available
One of the best things you can do is simply stay in touch and be around for the person when you can. Many bereaved people find that friends and family initially rally round, but after the funeral the bereaved person can suddenly be left without much support. Try to keep in contact with them in the months after the death. If you live a long way away or have other commitments, check whether other relatives, friends or neighbours can visit the person from time to time.
The person may or may not want to talk about the death, but your company can be comforting even if they don’t seem to want to speak. Support from others is very important for people coping with bereavement, so don’t avoid them even if you’re unsure what to say or how they will react.
Anniversaries of the death and special occasions such as birthdays or Mother's Day may be particularly hard for the bereaved person. Remembering those dates and giving them a call or asking if they’d like to spend the day with you can be comforting.
Talk to them
Even if you feel awkward about it, it’s a good idea to acknowledge the death by saying something simple like ‘I am so sorry to hear that … died.’ It’s best to avoid clichés like, 'at least they're in a better place'.
Give the bereaved person a space to talk about the person who died, without pressuring them to talk if they don't want to. If they talk to you about the death or the person who died, listen and don’t try to change the subject. Talking about these things is important for people who have been bereaved and they may need to talk about them repeatedly, particularly to begin with. This can help them to process what has happened. If they seem to find it hard to talk to people they know, you could suggest other sources of support such as Cruse Bereavement Support (Cruse Scotland in Scotland) or their GP.
Allow them to express how they’re feeling without judging them. People can find their feelings overwhelming after a death and they might be experiencing a range of emotions. Don’t worry if they react in a way you didn’t expect – for example, they might be angry or very anxious.
Don’t make assumptions
Don’t assume you know how the person is feeling. Grief is a very personal thing and everyone reacts differently. Try to avoid saying things like ‘You must be very sad’ or ‘I know exactly how you feel.’ Also bear in mind that there is no set timeframe for grieving. Don’t feel that they should be better after a certain time. If they seem to be struggling to cope or have been grieving intensely for a long time, you could suggest they might benefit from help from their GP or a support organisation – see our webpage Looking after yourself when someone dies for more information.
If you've been bereaved, don’t assume that the person you’re supporting will be feeling the same way you did. They’re more likely to feel comfortable talking to you if you don’t try to direct them or impose your own views.
Be careful about expressing views they may not share or that may seem dismissive of their loss, such as telling them that the person who died has gone to a better place, or that they had a good long life.
Offer practical help
People may be more responsive if you offer to help with something specific rather than tell them to ask you if they need anything. For example, you could offer to help with the cleaning, contact people about the funeral, or provide refreshments for a memorial service.
If you’re supporting an older person whose partner has died, this can bring significant changes to their life. For example, they may have lost their carer or the person they cared for, or they may be considering whether they now need to leave their home. Stress can make people more vulnerable to illness and practical concerns can increase the stress they’re under, so help them to look after themselves and suggest they contact their GP if it seems appropriate. If they’re worried about their income following the death, it’s a good idea to check they’re claiming all the benefits they’re entitled to. Call us on 0800 319 6789 for a free benefits check or try our online benefits calculator.
Don’t worry about getting it wrong
It’s very common to worry that you might make things worse by saying the wrong thing. However, avoiding the bereaved person or avoiding the topic of the death can leave them feeling very alone. People need support when they have been bereaved and if something you say upsets them, you can always apologise. It’s usually better to do something than nothing.
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Next steps
Our guide Coping with bereavement has information about how bereavement can affect you and advice on things that might help.