Telephone information groups for people aged 65+

January and February

Help with housing costs

Tuesday 21 January 11am–12 noon

Housing costs can take up a big part of our budget. If you’re on a low income, you could be entitled to extra money to help with these costs. Whether you’re renting or you own your home, this session will share how you could get support and how to claim.

Accessible movement with Joy

Wednesday 29 January 12 noon–1pm

Join Joy to brush off the cobwebs and get moving. Joy works to make movement more accessible to all bodies, energy levels and abilities. Using evidence-based information to build healthy habits, she will share simple ways to increase movement and build strength.


Tuesday 18 February 11am–12 noon

Scammers are finding more sophisticated ways to trick people out of money or personal details. We will give you tips for spotting scams and will cover doorstep, phone, postal and online scams. You’ll also learn what you can do if you have been scammed.


Tuesday 25 February 12 noon–1pm

Join Re-engage, which envisions a world where no one is ever too old to make friends and enjoy social interaction. Come and hear about their local tea parties and befriending services, available over the phone and in person.

  • It was the highlight of my week. There are people from all sorts of walks and backgrounds… everybody’s got something to contribute.


  • Somebody tried to scam me last week out of £900. They said I owed money (pretended to be the bank) and sent me a code. But I was lucky, I rang my bank and never touched it. If I hadn't had that session with Independent Age, I might have fallen for it.


  • I found the question and answer section so useful. Other people asked questions that were relevant to my situation.


  • I am a lot more careful when people call to make sure they are who they say they are. I rang the council to check if a number was legitimate which it was not.


  • I now feel I could take action on finding suitable support and services within my home and know where to look for trustworthy services.


  • I like how the sessions allow you to ask the questions pertinent to you on a topic. Afterwards, the person who ran the session helped to find cleaners in the area.


Frequently asked questions

Good to Know webinars