Director of Policy & Communications at Independent Age, John Palmer said: 

“This shocking film paints a harrowing picture of poverty in later life. Sadly, we know this is a reality for far too many older people who call our helpline every day and tell us they are sitting in the dark, eating less and living in a cold home. 

“As prices continue to rocket, the extra money simply isn't there. People are forced to make dangerous decisions about where to cut back with disastrous consequences on their physical and mental health. This is unacceptable, nobody should be forgotten in modern Britain. 

“We are glad that C4 Dispatches has highlighted the importance of entitlements such as Pension Credit in supporting older people living on low incomes.  Since 2019 we have been calling on the government to increase the uptake of Pension Credit. Currently, the most recent statistics available show that in 2019/20 there awere up to 850,000 eligible households missing out on this support. In 2021 alone, we identified almost £1.8 million in benefit entitlements for older people, this is money that has been set aside by the government but was going unclaimed. This cannot continue. Now is the time for the government to act and ensure all older people living in financial hardship are able to access the support they are entitled to.”

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