The facts

  • Independent Age estimates that up to 307,000 people over 65 have been bereaved of a partner since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • We know that bereavement and the grieving process that follows is often difficult, but the pandemic has added further complications.
  • Our research shows that Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in England are not consistently funding bereavement support services. This is due to overstretched budgets and a lack of clarity over who is responsible for it.
  • Better access to bereavement support is especially important for people over 65 as, despite going through more bereavements than any other age group, our research shows they are less likely to seek help.

What is Independent Age calling for?

Following the death of a family member or friend, we want everyone to be able to access emotional support if they need it. We are calling on the government to:

  • Prioritise government planning and spending to increase access to emotional support following a bereavement. 
  • Establish clear responsibilities for researching and commissioning bereavement support across government, the NHS, and CCGs.  
  • Ensure that services across England are sustainably funded and no longer rely solely on the fundraising efforts of the voluntary sector.  

Sign our open letter

Take action now and sign our open letter calling on the government to fix bereavement support.

Click here to sign the letter.

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