There are many benefits and entitlements for older people, including disability allowances. Find out what you’re entitled to by using our benefits calculator or call our Helpline to arrange a free benefits check. You may also be able to apply for one-off crisis loans or grants, depending on your situation.

If you're working out how to pay for care, make sure you’ve considered all your options. Start by getting a care needs assessment from your local council to get expert advice on the care you need.

We are all thinking about the cost of living at the moment. There is help out there for you. This includes extra benefits, ways to manage your bills and help with debt if you need it.

If you’re struggling to pay your household bills or worried about how you’re going to pay off your mortgage, there is help available. You can get support to regain control of your finances, as well as advice about where to go for specialist help.

Pensions provide a regular income in later life once you reach qualifying age. If you are on a low income, you may be eligible for Pension Credit. If you have a private pension, you may have to decide how you want to receive your money. 

You'll have to pay Income Tax if your income is more than a certain amount, but you may be entitled to tax relief or allowances that can help to cut your bill. Make sure you understand your tax bill and contact HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) if you think you're paying too much tax.

Equity release is a way to release cash from your home without having to move. There are advantages and disadvantages to equity release products. You should consider all your options and get independent financial advice before deciding if it’s the right choice for you.

Scams are ways to con you out of your money and there are many different types. You can avoid them if you know what to look out for and how to keep yourself safe. If you do fall for one, you can get help.

If you’re struggling to make ends meet, there may be ways you can save money, such as switching energy supplier, installing a water meter, applying for a free TV licence or shopping around when you renew or buy insurance. You may also be able to get discounts and other help with costs.

Everyone has the right to live in safety, free from abuse, harm and neglect – including financial abuse. If you think you may be experiencing financial abuse, there is action you can take to protect yourself and help available if you need it.

You don’t have to retire when you reach State Pension age and there are many advantages to working in later life. As well as topping up your income, working may also help to keep you mentally, physically and socially active. There are benefits for your employer too.

Whether you are currently in a relationship or not, it's important to consider your finances and make the right decisions for your situation. There are things you can do to make sure your money is protected.

Being honest about money can help you see your situation more clearly. You might feel less anxious about your money after speaking about it with someone trustworthy.  It can also mean you get help to claim money you’re entitled to.

Moneywise guide

Free advice on how to boost your income, save money and claim Pension Credit and other benefits