Long wait
I am 67 and I applied for the State Pension online. I went through that lengthy process. After it was completed I awaited notification. I wait...and I wait...but nothing happens.
They had no email address for me to prompt them in to asking why there was a delay, so I wrote in to them. I received a telephone call informing me that my application was somehow left online unfinished. Somehow I had not finished that very long online application process.
I was a long time without income. I lived like scrooge whilst waiting to receive my first State Pension. I lived on porridge oats, rice with a tin of curry, or tinned beans with something else.
I always expect hard times to arrive unexpectedly. I have learnt to keep myself well stocked.
What has happened to me has happened to others.
Have you been affected by any of these issues?
This blog represents one individual’s experience; personal circumstances differ – if you have been affected by any the issues in this blog and want some advice about your own situation please contact Independent Age’s Helpline on 0800 319 6789.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of Independent Age |