Head of Policy and Influencing at Independent Age, Morgan Vine said:
“The UK Government’s Pension Credit awareness campaign is a step in the right direction. We hope this action results in more people in later life receiving this vital entitlement. However, it will be a tough winter ahead for those who don’t receive this money, including people that are waiting for their new claim to be processed and those that aren’t aware of their eligibility. There are up to 1.2 million older people not receiving Pension Credit, and now it serves as a gateway to the Winter Fuel Payment, it’s even more costly to miss out.
“While we welcome this campaign, past awareness raising activity alone has not significantly moved the dial on the number of people receiving Pension Credit. We are calling on the current UK Government to delay the means testing of the Winter Fuel Payment until there is a substantial increase in the number of eligible older people receiving the Pension Credit they’re entitled to. If plans to cut the Winter Fuel Payment go ahead, older people's lives will be at risk. Last year our helpline received far too many calls from older people cutting back on heating. This cannot be allowed to happen again this winter.
“Today’s announcement also doesn’t address the financial support needed by the large group of older people just above the Pension Credit eligibility threshold. We hear from people who do not qualify for this payment but are struggling day to day, and now their low income will be cut this winter. We look forward to working with the new UK Government to put in place substantive plans to protect all older people in financial hardship from high energy bills, including addressing other barriers to receiving Pension Credit such as stigma and the complexity of the system which can put people off from applying.”