Commenting on the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee’s report, Social care funding: time to end a national scandal, George McNamara, Director of Policy and Influencing at Independent Age, said:

“Government dithering and inaction has forced social care to the brink of collapse. The billions cut from social care budgets has forced local authorities to ration and restrict social care, pushing thousands of vulnerable older people into crisis and financial hardship. 

“Tinkering with an outdated and unfair social care system will not meet the growing needs of an ageing society. The government must deliver real reform that ends the unfair dementia lottery of care and puts social care free at the point of use – as with the NHS – by committing to introduce free personal care.

“Yet again, we are hearing loud and clear about the overwhelming case for making social care a national priority, but tragically no such commitment from the government. A properly funded social care system, free at the point of use, is something that is wholly affordable - it just needs the political will and is the least we should expect in a compassionate society.”    

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