Please help an older person turn the heating on this winter
Last winter, many older people living in poverty died due to cold and damp homes, simply because they couldn’t afford to turn their heating on.
This winter’s cold weather means even more lives could be at risk.
If you believe this is unacceptable, please help
We believe no one should face financial hardship in later life and we’re hard at work this winter – running our national Helpline and other support services, and helping older people unlock the welfare benefits they need to afford essentials, like heating at this particularly urgent time.
Please take a moment to change a life
Calls to our Helpline have trebled since cuts to the Winter Fuel Payment were announced and we now receive hundreds of calls every day. By sending a gift and helping to fund our Helpline, you can make sure older people receive the support they need to turn the heating on. We simply can’t do this without the generosity of people like you.
*Calculated based on Department for Work and Pensions figures on the number of pensioners losing the Winter Fuel Payment, and YouGov polling figures. Fieldwork for the polling was undertaken between 8th-14th October 2024 with a sample size of 2,182 adults. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 65+).
**University of South Wales/BBC: Cold weather: What does an unheated room do to your body?
Get support from our Helpline
Our Helpline is a free and confidential phone service for older people and their friends, families and carers. If you know of an older person in need of help, call us on 0800 319 6789 Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm for information, to arrange impartial advice from a specialist adviser or to order our free guides.