Our Hidden Two Million report identifies six priority groups of older people who are more likely to be in financial hardship, with intersectionality a key factor. ‘Women’ and ‘people from racially minoritised groups’ are two of these priority groups, and this is where we are focusing our funding in the first round of this grants programme.
In order to support organisations that provide older women from racially minoritised groups with the services they need, we will distribute up to £2.1 million of funding in the form of three-year grants to a number of organisations across England, Scotland and Wales.
How much funding is available?
Grants will be for a three-year period and eligible organisations will be able to apply for a minimum of £60,000 (£20,000 per year) and up to £120,000 (£40,000 per year).
What we want to achieve
For us, an improved life is increased financial well-being, enabling greater choice and independence in wider areas of life.
We will therefore provide funding for organisations whose work can help older women from racially minoritised groups improve their financial wellbeing and will achieve outcomes against the following themes:
- Income – Older people facing financial hardship will have sufficient income and receive the financial support they're entitled to e.g. Pension Credit, Attendance Allowance, Carers Allowance.
- Costs – Older people facing financial hardship are protected from unfair or unavoidable costs.
- Housing – Older people facing financial hardship are supported to live in safe, secure and suitable housing with the care and support they need.
Who can apply?
To find out more about the eligibility criteria and who can apply for funding, please see our guidance document and FAQs.
How do I apply?
The closing date for submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) was 5pm on Thursday 26 September 2024.
Organisations successful at EOI stage will be notified of the outcome by 2 October and will have 4 weeks to submit a full application for our grants panel to consider. Funding decisions will be made by the end of December 2024.
If you are not able to apply for the Older People’s Fund, but would like to be kept informed of future funding opportunities, you can sign up to our mailing list or check our main grant-making page.