Lots of people miss out on extra money they could be getting each week. It’s worth checking what you’re entitled to. Find out what you could claim and how to get help to apply.

Use our free benefits calculator to work out exactly what you can claim and get a personalised report. Even if you think you're getting everything you're entitled to, it's worth checking. 

You may qualify for Attendance Allowance if you’re over State Pension age and have a long-term health condition or disability. You can claim it whatever your income or savings.

Pension Credit can top up your low income if you've reached State Pension age. Lots of people who qualify haven’t claimed it yet, so it’s worth checking if you can get it and how to claim.

Carer’s Allowance and Carer Support Payment are benefits to top up the income of carers. If you spend time looking after a partner, relative or friend who has an illness or disability, you may qualify.

If you’re under State Pension age and have a long-term health condition or a disability, you could get extra money to help with additional costs.

Universal Credit will only affect you if you or your partner is below State Pension age. There are also other benefits you may be able to claim if you're on a low income.

There’s a variety of help with health costs available for over-60s. Some of it depends on your income and savings, and some of it is available to everyone.

Fuel bills can be a worry in winter, but it’s important for your health that your home stays warm. Find out if you qualify for extra money to help with the cost of heating your home.

If you're on a low income and finding it difficult to pay your rent or your mortgage, you may be able to get support.

Council Tax Support can help you if you’re on a low income and responsible for paying the Council Tax on your home. There may be other ways you can reduce your bill too.

If you’re under State Pension age, there may be a limit on the total amount in benefits you can get. Find out if you could be affected.

If you’re on a low income, everyday expenses can be hard to afford. You may be able to get help through grants, loans or other types of support.

If you're going into an NHS hospital or a care home, your benefits may be affected. You must tell the relevant benefit office about any changes in your circumstances. 

If you’re moving abroad, permanently or temporarily, or you’re returning to the UK, you’ll need to check how this affects any benefits you’re claiming. 

When you’ve got very little money coming in, it can be difficult to budget for unexpected expenses. You may be able to get extra help from charities and other organisations.

We've started to make information available in different languages. Currently, we have Pension Credit information in Polish, Urdu, Punjabi for Pakistan, and Punjabi for India.