If you’re on a low income or need extra support to rent, you could get help from your council or a housing association.
What is social housing?
You may also have heard social housing be called a ‘council’ home.
Social housing is rented property that’s owned and managed by social landlords – usually local councils and housing associations. It’s cheaper than privately rented housing and offers greater, longer-term security for tenants. Rent increases are capped every year. You can find out what the cap is at england.shelter.org.uk. If you are worried about your rent increasing, call our Helpline on 0800 319 6789.
It’s important to know that waiting lists are often long and there is high demand for social housing.
How to apply for a council home
You could apply through the local council in the area you want to live. Most councils have an online application form, or you can ask them for one. You can find their contact details on Gov.uk. Depending on where you live, you may need to apply to some housing associations directly instead of through the council. Ask your council if there are any near you.
When you apply, give as much detail as you can and include information explaining your situation. If you have a medical problem, you may need letters from your doctor or health professionals to support your application. If you need help to complete the application, let the housing provider know.
If your application is accepted, you’ll go on a waiting list. However, being on a waiting list does not mean you’ll get a home. The application process will decide if you qualify for housing, and it will also determine your priority on the waiting list.
If you qualify, you could be offered a council or a housing association home. You may be asked to say where you want to live in the area. If your council has a long waiting list, you could apply for homes in other areas as well. The more flexible you are, the greater your chances of getting social housing. You can be on several waiting lists at the same time if you qualify, which could also increase your chances of being housed.
If you’re homeless or threatened with homelessness, the council may have to help you to stay in your home or provide you with somewhere to live. See our homelessness section for more information. The Crisis website has more details about what you can expect from your council if you’re in this situation.
If you need urgent support, contact Shelter:
- If you live in England, visit england.shelter.org.uk
- If you live in Scotland, visit scotland.shelter.org.uk
- If you live in Wales, visit sheltercymru.org.uk.
How the council decides
Councils allocate homes according to need, and set their own priorities. You should be able to check the rules and priorities on your council’s website. You can also ask for details of their allocation policy from the council’s housing office. You can also contact your local Citizens Advice, who may help you get a copy.
To qualify, you’ll probably have to be on a low income or have limited savings. You may also have to have a local connection. A local connection means that you’ve lived in the area for some time, or you work there, or have family living in the area. Not all councils require this, so you should check their website if you’re thinking of applying to live in a different area.
Councils usually use a points or banding system to decide priority. You may get more points, or a higher band, in certain situations – for example, if:
- you’re homeless
- you’re living in home that isn’t suitable to live in
- you have a medical condition made worse by where you live, or a disability that makes it hard for you to move around your home
- you need to be close to a relative so they can care for you.
Ask the council how long you will have to wait. It may take years, and some people never get social housing. If you need to move quickly, you might think about renting from a private landlord.
Some councils offer properties directly. If the council makes you a suitable offer and you turn it down, you could be suspended from the waiting list for a while. You can challenge a suspension. Call our Helpline on 0800 619 6789 to arrange to speak with an adviser.
If your circumstances change during this time, you should let the council know. This is because a change in your circumstances can affect your priority on the waiting list, and the type of housing you may get.
Choice-based letting schemes
Some councils operate a choice-based letting scheme. They advertise available council and housing association properties and people on the waiting list bid for the property. In some areas, existing tenants may also be able to bid if they want a transfer.
Each council has their own process – check the details with your council or Housing Association. Properties are usually listed online, but you may also be able to see them in newsletters and leaflets in libraries, community centres and the housing office. The listing explains who each property is for – for example, an older person or a household with a disabled family member. You may be able to bid online, by text or by post. If you have difficulty with the bidding process, ask your council or Housing Association for help. They should support you with the bidding process and provide information in an accessible format, such as braille or audio.
Usually the bidder with the highest priority is offered the property first. They go and look at it, and if they turn it down, it’s offered to the next person on the list. Sometimes more than one person gets to see the property at the same time.
Applying for a housing association home
In most areas, you should apply through your council for a housing association property. Some housing associations have their own waiting lists and you might have to apply to them directly. Ask your council for a list of housing associations that have open waiting lists. You can apply to more than one housing association. You can find more information about housing association tenancies on Gov.uk.
If you’re turned down
If the council or Housing Association decides you don’t qualify, they must write to you explaining why. You have the right to request a review within a given time limit. You should do this in writing and keep copies of any letters. You can also ask for a review if you disagree with the level of priority the council has given you or if you’re not happy with the way you were assessed. Call our Helpline on 0800 619 6789 to arrange to speak with an adviser.
If you applied to a housing association directly, ask them for their review process.
If you’re not happy with the outcome of the review, you can make a complaint to the housing association. If you’re still not satisfied, you can contact:
- the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman if you live in England or Wales
- the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman if you live in Scotland.
Exchanging properties
If you live in social housing, you may be able to swap your home with another tenant anywhere in the UK, depending on what type of tenancy you have. This is called a mutual exchange or tenancy exchange.
Unlike a transfer, which is arranged by your landlord, you organise the swap yourself. You can search for properties on exchange websites such as Homeswapper and Exchange locata.
Once you’ve found someone you want to swap with, you both have to get permission from your respective landlords. The landlord has six weeks to decide. They can only refuse if there is a good reason, for example if:
- your home has been adapted for special needs and nobody in the other tenant’s household has those needs
- the size of the property you’re moving to is too big or small for your needs.
If they refuse, check the reason carefully, because it may be worth appealing. Contact a housing adviser for advice – call our Helpline on 0800 319 6789.
If you owe any rent, you may only get permission once you’ve paid what’s due (the arrears).
Before swapping, make sure you check your tenancy rights in the new property, because they may not be the same. It’s a good idea to get independent housing advice. Contact Shelter or your local Citizens Advice.
It’s illegal for you or the other tenant to charge money for the exchange.
Right to Buy
You can apply to buy your council home if:
- it’s your only or main home
- it’s self-contained
- you’re a secure tenant
- you’ve had a public sector landlord (like a council, housing association or NHS trust) for three years - it does not have to be three years in a row.
You can make a joint application to buy your home with:
- someone who shares your tenancy
- up to three family members who’ve lived with you for the past 12 months (even if they do not share your tenancy).
If your home used to be owned by the council, but they sold it to another landlord (like a housing association) while you were living in it, you may still have the Right to Buy. This is called ‘Preserved Right to Buy’. Call our Helpline on 0800 319 6789 to arrange to speak with an advisor.
What discount can I get?
You can get a discount on the market value of your home when you buy it if you qualify for Right to Buy.
The discount is based on:
- the maximum discount allowed for where you live – the maximum is higher in London than the rest of the UK
- how long you’ve been a tenant with a public sector landlord
- the type of property you’re buying - a flat or house
- the value of your home.
You can calculate the discount you might get at ownyourhome.gov.uk.
How do I apply?
To apply to buy your home, you have to fill in Right to Buy application form. This is also known as an RTB1 notice. You can get this form online at ownyourhome.gov.uk.
Send the completed form to your landlord. Your landlord must reply within four weeks of getting your application, or eight weeks if they’ve been your landlord for less than three years. If your landlord says no, they must say why.
If your landlord agrees to sell, they’ll send you an offer. They must do this within eight weeks of saying yes if you’re buying a freehold property, or 12 weeks if you’re buying a leasehold property. After getting an independent valuation, you can send them a counter offer. You must do this within three months of getting their offer.
Moneyhelper has more information about buying your home. Find them online at moneyhelper.org.uk/en/homes/buying-a-home.
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Next steps
Our guide Renting in later life has more information on social renting in England and Wales.
For housing advice, our Helpline to arrange to speak with an adviser.
You can also contact Shelter or your local Citizens Advice.
Call our free Helpline on 0800 319 6789
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