Lots of people miss out on extra money they could be getting each week. It’s well worth checking what you’re entitled to. There are different ways to do this and steps you can take to improve your chances of success. You can also call our free Helpline to find out what you could claim and for help to apply for benefits.
Money can be tight, especially once we retire. The information on our website and in our free Moneywise guide can help you boost your income and cut your bills - by claiming extra money you may not have realised you're entitled to, getting help with health costs and housing costs, and finding free or discounted services.
For a quick guide, you could try our benefit checker to see the benefits that might apply to you. Simply answer a few questions by ticking some boxes. You can then read about the benefits that are most relevant to you. For example, you may qualify for:
- Pension Credit, which can top up your income. Lots of people who qualify aren't claiming it, so it's worth checking whether you could claim
- Attendance Allowance, which is extra money if you need help with personal care because of a health condition or disability.
The video at the top of this page gives some advice on how to increase your chances of success when applying.
You can also use our personalised benefits calculator to find out more about what you can claim. Just enter your details to find out what you could be getting. You’ll need to have details of your savings, income, pensions and existing benefits to hand.
Or if you’d like to speak to someone, just call our free Helpline on 0800 319 6789. You can call us to order a free guide or to arrange a phone call with an expert adviser. They will help work out what you're entitled to and what your next steps should be.
Order your free guide
To find out more about benefits and other ways to boost your income, download or order our free guide Moneywise.