Two older people sitting together and smiling.What is free personal care?
Find out what free personal care is.
An image of a street corner with a white sign that says 'polling station' with an arrow pointing left.Why free personal care?
Learn why Independent Age is campaigning for this policy change.
An older man sat on his bedHow you can be involved
Find out about our campaign and how you can play your part
A taxing question report coverA taxing question: how to fund free personal care
This policy report from 2018 looks at nine different policy options for funding free personal care.
Catastrophic costs report coverFree personal care: how to eliminate catastrophic costs
This policy report from 2019 explores how introducing free personal care would eliminate ’catastrophic care costs’ for everyone.
The report coverHoming in on free personal care
This policy report from 2019 explores how free personal care will increase the number of people receiving care at home.